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Associação entre os Critérios Objetivo e Subjetivo na Classificação de Imagens Mamográficas Sujeitas a Compressão Fractal
Vergütz, Stéphany; Paschoarelli Veiga, Antônio Cláudio
Abstract: The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of “Fractal Compression” technique onto mammograms through an association between the objective criteria, provided by Peak Signal Noise Ration (PSNR); and the subjective criteria, given by visual analysis of an expert physician. Visual analysis was performed comparing mammograms compressed to different extents (compression rate) with the original image, where experts classified the compressed images as “unacceptable”, “acceptable”, “good” or “great”. In doing so, the optimal compression rate and PSNR values of mammograms was achieved, where images are considered acceptable according to experts. In order to compare the performance of “Fractal Compression” technique with another compression method, visual analysis was also done on images compressed by JPEG2000 method.
Index Terms: Fractal Image Compression, Mammography, Peak Signal Noise Ratio.